About to learn Greek? Here is your checklist! ~ Speak Greek®

About to learn Greek? Here is your checklist!

If you are thinking to learn Greek, it would be worth to prepare a checklist tailored to your aspirations and goals. This will help you to stay motivated and make sure you are on the right path.

A self-study method or a teacher?
There are some great books that will help you with the basics of the language (the alphabet, some greetings, and short phrases) but after these first chapters, you will probably find the guidance and the support of an experienced teacher very important. For English native speakers, Greek has quite a lot of differences that makes it a very difficult language.

A Greek teacher or a native speaker?
Native speakers do speak the language at a proficient level but they are not trained to teach the language. If you haven't got a teaching background, ask yourself how would you teach your language to a foreigner? What the first lesson would be about? How you could answer questions about grammar? What vocabulary you would teach to a beginner and an advanced student? What kind of activities and exercises should you plan for different levels? A teacher has the answers to all of these questions.

How can I find a teacher?
An important factor of your success in learning Greek is to find a qualified experienced and friendly teacher. You can search through online platforms, you can ask your friends or colleagues, you can just use the Internet. Whichever you choose, you have to make sure that the teacher is the best for you. How you can be sure? Ask for qualifications, experience, method of teaching, variety of activities, learning tools that he/she uses and scheme of work (what you will be taught).

Tick tack
Think of how much time you are going to give yourself for learning Greek. Discuss it with your teacher and decide together on a realistic plan. For the very beginning, you should give extra time as the alphabet is completely different from the Latin and the pronunciation plays an important role in your confidence in speaking Greek. When you feel that you have mastered these two topics, you can progress more quickly - just make sure that you stick on your initial time (if you are struggling with other commitments) as the opposite may discourage you of continuing the lessons.

By choosing Speak Greek for your journey to the Greek language, you don't have to worry about your checklist as we have everything in place for you. So the question is: 'Are you ready to accept the challenge and learn Greek?' Contact us today!

Cover photo: Tree photo created by v.ivash - www.freepik.com

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